Studio Updates due to COVID-19-as of July 1st🧤😷💕
You must sign a new Waiver before taking your first class. Class size is limited to accommodate over 9-feet of distancing between the...
Tips for reducing stress, sleeping better and living healthier with essential oils
It has been a long couple of months and with the hope that we will get back to some kind of new normal, it’s important to find ways to...
Online Pilates Class Must Haves ⭐️
These are the items the Zen TV team and I curated for you, to support you getting the most out of your home workouts with us. Many of...
Getting Ready for Your 1st Online Class with Zen Fit TV
Zen online! Virtual Classroom! What?!?! This is all new for us as well, so first off have no fear we are in this together. The important...
32 Best Workout Apps, According To Top Trainers Sweat. It. Out.
Pilates Anytime If you're super into all forms of Pilates, this is your app. "They have the broadest spectrum of Pilates styles from New...
The 50 Best Weight Loss Tips for 2020
Weight gain happens to everyone—especially in the winter months. According to the University of Rochester, people gain an average of 1 to...