Your Daily Move: Pelvic Curl
The Pelvic Curl: This Pilates exercise targets buttock muscles, hamstrings, abdominals and spinal articulation and mobility.
Lay on your back and place your feet on the floor, hip-width apart in parallel, a few inches away from your sitting bones.
Feel the length of your spine on the mat from the crown of your head to the base of your tailbone.
Take an inhale, then tuck your pelvic and begin peeling your spine off the mat from your Tailbone, Waistline, up to your Ribcage.
Connect with your inner thighs (adductors) to keep your knees in parallel and your glutes engaged.
Press down through your arms at the top, Inhale.
Exhale lower back down to the mat from your Ribcage, Waistline, and Tailbone, feeling your shoulders widening on the mat and your vertebrae tractioning down like a chain.
Repeat 4x!